Laravel Livewire 3: Reset Pagination after search

When you view a resultpage 2 from a paginated livewire result anbd change the filter or search, the generated result stays on resultpage 2. This is usually not desired. To change this behaviour and reset the Resultpage to page 1 for every new search, you can add this function to your your Livewire model: public […]

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PDFs from spatie/laravel-pdf have no CSS when vite is not running

I create PDFs with spatie/laravel-pdf on Laravel 11, styled with TailwindCSS. My layout has I was working locally with vite running. PDfs were looking great. My deployment includes building the css with The website renders just fine with the built stylesheets from /build/assets/…. But: When I deployed my app to my forge server, the PDFs […]

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Show static google map image and link to map with marker

With this snippet you can show a static google map image for a specific location, which is linked to google maps and includes showing a marker in all views.Don’t forget to change YOUR_GOOGLE_STATIC_MAPS_API_KEY to your api key, which you can get at by creating a server key and aactivate google maps for this account. […]

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Show content of folder in PHP

To show the content of a directory in PHP and make the files like images etc downloadable without changing the Webserver config, upload this snippet as index.php to the directory. <?php$pageURL = ‘http’;$pageURL .= “://”;$pageURL .= $_SERVER[“SERVER_NAME”];$httpfolder = $pageURL.$_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]; // The link to this folder from outside, with slash at end$dir = getcwd();$files = array_diff(scandir($dir), […]

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Downgrade Ubuntu PHP Version from PHP 8 to PHP 7.4

Recently my Ubuntu server updated itself, and I suddenly had version PHP 8.0 on my terminal. I use PHP for composer installations, and some packages in my composer.json required PHP 7.4 and wouldn’t install with PHP 8. So I had to downgrade my PHP Version from PHP 8.0 to PHP 7.4 This is done like […]

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spatie/laravel-google-fonts on local environment with e.g. laragon shows “blocked: mixed content” when served over HTTPS

Problem: You use the famous, but on local development or laragon you get “blocked: mixed content”, when you call your app with HTTPS. Solution: […]

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“Cannot refresh snap-store” Error when updating Ubuntu 24.04

Problem: In Ubuntu 24.04 you see available updates, but the update fails with “cannot refresh snap-store”. This is a known logical problem due to the half-baked integration of the canonical snap store next to apt in ubuntu. The snap store is a snap package itself, so if you start it to update your snap packages, […]

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